Retro-reflectorised Sheetings


SA Traffic Safety’s Retro-Reflective Sheetings are specially designed to enhance visibility and safety on the road, particularly during low-light conditions and at night. These sheetings are a vital component of road infrastructure, ensuring that signs, vehicles, and various road markings are easily visible to drivers, ultimately reducing accidents and improving road safety.


  • Traffic Signs: Use our Retro-Reflective Sheetings to fabricate traffic signs of all types, including regulatory signs, warning signs, guide signs, and informational signs. These sheetings ensure that sign messages remain visible and legible, even at night.
  • Vehicle Markings: Enhance the visibility of vehicles on the road by applying Retro-Reflective Sheetings to their surfaces. This is essential for emergency vehicles, commercial trucks, and fleet vehicles to improve safety and reduce accidents.
  • License Plates: Our sheetings can be used to create reflective license plates, ensuring that vehicle identification remains clear and legible in various lighting conditions.
  • Safety Apparel: Keep workers and first responders safe by incorporating Retro-Reflective Sheetings into safety vests, jackets, and uniforms. These sheetings make individuals highly visible in low-light environments.
  • Road Markings: Retro-Reflective Sheetings are used in road markings, including lane dividers, crosswalks, and pedestrian pathways. They contribute to safer navigation for both drivers and pedestrians.
  • Our Clients

    Trusted by a diverse clientele, from government agencies to private contractors. Our satisfied clients rely on us for top-quality road safety solutions.